Dear Contestants

Some players have notified us that if the Google Login method was used during pre-registration, it may create a situation where players are unable to enter the game via the Google Login when using an iOS device.

If any contestants are experiencing this, please see the following to resolve the issue.

Step 1. First use an Android device or a PC simulator to log into Soul of Eden.
Step 2. After entering the game, click on the in the upper-right hand corner of the game => Game Settings => Account Settings; there, bind your Rayark Pass account to your Facebook or Twitter account.
Step 3. After completing the above, players can log into the game on their iOS device via their bound social media account.

We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience this has caused. If you encounter any issues logging into the game, feel free to send us an email at . The customer service team will do their best to help you with any issue you are having.